Online poker offers opportunity, risk and reward all rolled into one illusive combination. I started playing online poker because I love being on the Internet surfing around but did not really know what to do once I got online. Bored with reading articles, visiting websites about soccer or news I decided to play some online games. One of my friends was playing cards online, and it looked like fun.
So I had a go, and instantly there was just something enjoyable about the game. I am the type of character where I judge myself based on the very best. If I run 100 meters, I want to know how far from 10 seconds I am. If I play soccer I want to know whether or not I could play against the best. This has kept me striving for the top in many areas of life, and poker was (and is) no different. Once I started watching T.V and learned to play properly, I was hooked.
I quickly 강남 홀덤 discovered that poker is basically about the battle for money. We use chips, which are more fun than the paper cash to handle and possibly less daunting, and cards are the mechanism where we mentally oppose one another for the cash reward. This is true of cash games and to some extent tournaments. Poker can be viewed as the most simple form of combat, the person with the most at the end of the battle is the winner. But poker is not limited to people who have money and the rest must watch. There are no barriers to entry to this potentially lucrative market.
One of my passions is starting something from very little and building up, in business and in life. There is as much satisfaction in the journey than in the crossing the finish line in my opinion so it is only natural I looked for ways that anyone can enjoy playing poker no matter whether they have cash to spare or not. I see online poker as a legitimate way of building something out of absolutely nothing. In short, the American Dream, the ultimate challenge in many different ways.
Annette_15 is a female Internet poker player famous for her amazing results, aggressive play, and being the first female to win a World Series of Poker Main Event when she won the WSOP Europe main event a couple of years ago. Her story is amazing because she asked her mother when she was 14 years old for her mothers credit card to deposit $50 into online poker so she could play for real money. Her mother refused her request. Undeterred, Annette played free roll tournaments until she got a few dollars by finishing high in the tournaments. She then built her bankroll over time with good results and careful bankroll management to the massive bankroll she enjoys today. Poker is littered with stories like this. The only thing you need is a good poker game, and plenty of discipline and you can have a story like Annette_15. But how do you do it?
You need to have a good poker game, if you cannot win you will never move up the poker ladder. I would consider using a poker training website to brush up on your skills. But to be honest if you are playing plenty of holdem, reading books and talking with friends and participating in forums that effort will result in you having an advantage over the random fish that just play because they feel like it. Free information abounds online so make full use of it. Note that there are less and less bad poker players online, so you really have to put some effort into learning how to play good quality poker. Long gone are the days where a decent game reaps big rewards. You really must play well to win, and there is no greater power than learning and information.
Start with the free roll tournaments. You are probably going to find there are thousands of players in these tournaments because it’s free to play. Do not panic. Because there is nothing to lose the players will play as such so if you are careful and play good poker you will build a stack and work your way through the mass of players who commit poker suicide because win or lose they lose nothing. You have an immediate advantage because you are playing for a reason.
You strategy is important, do not bluff! Players will not make great folds in a free roll tournament. When you have a hand play a straight forward style of poker. When you make your hand, get your chips in. Only trap check in situations where you believe your opponents will definitely shove all-in. Then you call and double up. Once in a while you may be behind in this situation and go out, but that’s poker. When you finish in the top 3 a few times you will have a bankroll of around $10 that you can begin to consider playing $1 Sit and Go tournaments. Playing good poker here will increase your bankroll quickly. Again do not worry you only have ten buy-ins because you can try the free rolls again if necessary. You can play without fear because you did not deposit your own money.
Working your way up the limits is hard work but these are key skills to your successful poker career.